Fagin's Folly Page 13
It was his first and only time in pack grounds; not counting the time he was locked in the food bunker. Two females eyed him up and down before spitting in his direction and stalking off without a word. He was on his way back to the house when some big mean-looking guy growled at him and showed his claws as he walked past. He’d been dreading the pack meeting due to be held that evening, sure Fagin would end up fighting half the pack just for the right to stay with him.
And Fagin would fight too. Cooper thought of his mate and as usual his body stirred. He hadn’t really been fair to Fagin over the past two days, burying himself in accounting work just so he didn’t pass on his unease to his mate. Fagin was doing his best and yet Cooper was glad they weren’t staying. Sure, a good alpha could pull a pack around and force them into the twenty first century. And Fagin was a good alpha. Cooper never doubted his ability. But he’d always been of the opinion that there wasn’t any point in helping people who didn’t want to help themselves and that just about summed up everyone in the pack.
You’d like Fagin, mom, he thought quietly, smiling quietly at the fairy tales his mother told him. He’s not exactly sweeping me off my feet, but he’s taking me away on his bike…and he’s doing it for me, just like you said he would. I’m so glad I can do something for him in return.
The alarm on his phone beeped at him, letting him know his twenty minutes were up. Cooper thought Fagin would be up to collect him and the bags. Maybe he’s taking an extra minute with his mom. Cooper could understand that. He’d give anything to have just five minutes with his mom again.
Gathering up the saddle bags, Cooper hurried out the door and down the long steps to the front of the house. Buster and Fagin were there, along with the bikes. But there were other men there too; three older ones and two younger ones, none of whom Cooper knew.
“It’s okay, Cooper, you can come out,” Fagin smiled at him, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Let Buster take the bags for you.”
I can manage them myself, Cooper thought but he handed them over gracefully. With the tension in the air, he wasn’t going to say anything to undermine Fagin’s position.
“You have to stay here,” one of the older men insisted. He wasn’t asking, he was demanding, and Cooper’s wolf sat up and took notice.
“You don’t have the right to demand anything of me, Stanley,” Fagin growled. “You elders got my dad into this mess. I had nothing to do with it. So, you can front up to Alpha Snells with the man who impersonated me and explain how come he’s not the alpha’s son like Vanessa was led to believe.”
“It’s your job to protect the pack,” One of the other older men said. “You’ll be branded a coward if you leave now.”
Cooper winced. For any wolf shifter, being called a coward was a huge insult. But Fagin laughed. “I don’t care what you call me.” Cooper let himself be pulled under his mate’s arm. “The only people whose opinion genuinely count to me are my mother, Buster, and my mate. My mother has just given me her blessing for my trip because she fears for the safety of my mate if we stay here. Buster is as keen for this move as I am, and my mate packed our bags for me. You remember my mate? The alpha mate of this pack; given his position because I won the challenge against my father and both my brothers. The alpha mate you wanted to cull from this pack because he’s an omega?” Fagin showed his fangs and the elder who’d spoken lost all the color in his face.
“Well, we might have been a little hasty. Alpha Jerome’s departure was a huge shock to us all.” The third older man who hadn’t spoken up yet, was clearly trying to keep the peace. “But you can see how having your…the alpha mate here would make things difficult when you uphold the alliance we worked on with Alpha Snells’ pack. That would put Ms. Snells in an untenable position.”
“I have no intention of upholding an alliance agreement that was arranged behind my back. I suggest you find the ‘alpha’ who impregnated her and make sure he’s ready and willing to stand by the young lady and her pups.”
The three elders cast worried glances between themselves. Cooper didn’t know what they were up to and he was doubly sure he wasn’t going to like it when he learned. “Clarence stood in for you with Vanessa. As he’s now banished, we can’t present him to Alpha Snells which is why we need you here,” Stanley said.
Fagin’s laugh turned evil and unsurprisingly Cooper felt his cock firm up. “Just so we are clear. We are talking about my younger brother Clarence. The one who is bond mated to the lovely Sarah. The man who already has two children and a third on the way?”
“He wasn’t meant to get Vanessa in pup,” Stanley protested. “He was just meant to make her feel welcome here.”
“But he did do the deed and now that’s his problem. How you thought passing Clarence off as me is ludicrous. I assumed no one used names, although he does have Fagin as his middle name, so maybe that’s how you all got away with it without the Snells knowing they were being conned. He doesn’t have a single tattoo and he and I are nothing alike. Poor Ms. Snells would freak out if she realized she was meant to mate with me if she’s excited over Clarence,” Fagin scoffed.
“The thing is, you’re the alpha. I’m sure once Alpha Snells realizes his daughter will be alpha mate, he won’t worry about who bonds with her, especially now she’s in pup.”
“And you’re all right with that?” Fagin knew he was making the right decision in leaving. “You don’t see anything wrong in taking an innocent girl, passing her off with one man so she’s pregnant and then pushing me forward as the one she’s supposed to bond to?”
“She’d be alpha mate and you’d be saving the pack from being taken over.”
Fagin shook his head. His blood boiled at how easily the old men could discount Cooper who was trembling by his side, not to mention poor Vanessa who’d been left with more than she’d anticipated. “You’re not listening to me and I have nothing more to say. We have things to do and places to be that have nothing to do with this pack or the people in it.”
“But Alpha, what are we going to do when Alpha Snells gets here?” Stanley implored.
“Do you know, that’s the first time you’ve given me the respect of my title?” Fagin tilted his head. “Shame it’s too little too late. All you had to do when I won the challenge against my father was accept my mate in his rightful place in this pack. I’d have worked out a deal with Snells that would have allowed him to save face and not lose the pack in the bargain. If I couldn’t come up with a deal, my mate could’ve. He’s the one with brains.”
Cooper found himself gently pushed towards Buster as Fagin stalked the elders who started backing up. “Fated mates are real. Alphas who mate with omegas are ten times stronger than if they bond with another. Cooper and I would have made this pack richer, stronger, and more powerful than it’s ever been and you threw it all away. Even now, you want me to stay and him to go and I’m telling you now, ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.” Cooper felt the sweep of Fagin’s alpha power buffet the three men, causing them to fall. Strangely, he wasn’t affected. If anything, he felt a calm sweep over him and knew his omega vibes were sheltering Buster and their young audience too.
“You’d better get to him before he rips their throats out,” Buster urged quietly. “They’ve only just realized how much danger they’re in, but if he kills them, we’re going to be stuck facing Alpha Snells and all the shit that entails. I’ll text that Noah Harris dude to come back here and work things out with the pack. You get Fagin. You’re the only one who can approach him right now. Get him on his bike and let’s get out of here.”
There was a huge part of Cooper that just wanted to curl up in a ball and forget the whole world existed. The arguments and demands, the way he was being ignored as though he didn’t exist were all too reminiscent of scenes from his old pack and he’d come a long way since then. But Buster was right. Walking like a zombie, Cooper made his way to Fagin’s side. His mate had half-shifted and looked like
something out of a comic book series. “Hey, babe,” Cooper placed his hand on Fagin’s bulging arms. “Let’s get on the bike, aye? If you kill these idiots, then you’ll need another shower and I packed your clothes.”
“Yep, over there, next to Buster. Let’s go.”
“They wanted to cull you. You, my beautiful sexy clever mate.” Fagin’s hands were suddenly all over him and Cooper wanted to melt but now wasn’t the time. Especially in front of elders who thought he shouldn’t exist.
“I know, babe. But we don’t have to worry about them now, do we? Remember?”
“Because I’m a big strong alpha who doesn’t have to care about what anyone thinks about you and me being together. You told me that.” Fagin was slowly coming back to himself.
“I did, and I’m the smart one, remember?”
“You are, and sexy. Did I mention I love you?”
“You have now. Come on, get on the bike.” Glaring at the elders, Fagin did as he was told, and Cooper climbed up behind him.
“Alpha,” Stanley tried one last time. “What are we meant to do with Alpha Snells?”
“Suck his dick,” Fagin yelled back crudely as he started his bike. “I’m not fucking doing it.”
The roar of the bikes was loud in Cooper’s ears, but he hung on tight as Fagin roared down the driveway. Risking a look behind he saw Buster and the two other men on their bikes following behind.
Er…babe, we’ve got two extra men following us. Are they escorting us out of the territory?
No, babe, Fagin’s voice was warm and loving across their link. That’s Gregory and Rory. They decided to join our pack.
Even though I’m the alpha mate? At least Cooper thought he still held that title. He was mated to Fagin and Fagin was the alpha. Even if they didn’t have territory, with Buster with them, they were a pack of sorts.
It’s because you are the alpha mate, babe. Fagin’s tone warmed Cooper down to his toes. They play on the same side of the fence we do. When they got the notice I was leaving, they asked if they could join up. Fagin’s Folly now has five pack members.
Cooper looked back again, and Buster gave him a wave. Settling against Fagin’s back, he decided more questions could wait until later. For now, he was going to enjoy the freedom of the open road. His wolf gave a final howl in his head as they passed the territory marker. His wolf didn’t care about territory – he was just happy to be with his hugely protective and extremely sexy mate.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Throwing his jacket on the chair, Fagin reached for his mate, who nimbly stepped away from his outstretched arm, heading for the pokey bathroom. They were in a motel, probably four hours drive from pack territory and Fagin felt lighter with every mile they travelled. He knew in his gut he was doing the right thing and there was nothing like the wind in his hair to blow away the unpleasantness of the last week. But riding on his bike also gave him time to think. He’d realized through the course of their ride that Cooper might not be aware of just how important he was, and he’d planned on rectifying that the moment they secured a room for the night.
Buster, Gregory, and Rory were still across the road at the bar where they’d eaten dinner, but Cooper complained of having a sore butt from being on the bike too long and Fagin was happy to make their excuses. Riding with his mate so close was heaven and hell all at the same time. Heaven, because his mate trusted him, but blue balls pressed against his bike seat were hell.
“Where are you going?” Fagin tried not to sound petulant about his mate’s quick feet.
“Shower,” Cooper laughed, remarkably carefree after the events of the day. “I need the hot water to ease the ache in my legs and back. I can barely walk straight.”
“Come here,” Fagin stalked his prey. “I’ll give you a massage.”
“Is that your euphemism for a hand job, because while the idea sounds heavenly, my dick is so primed, I’ll go off like a rocket.” Fagin always loved how Cooper’s body swayed towards him every time he was close. He was sure his mate didn’t realize he was doing it.
“Let me help you with your clothes.” Cooper had opted for sensible bike clothing – thick jeans, a long sleeved Henley and the leather jacket Fagin bought him. The lace-up boots were a nuisance, but Fagin was happy to drop to his knees and undo them. It left his face at groin level and the smell coming from his sexy mate sent his pulse racing and his wolf’s howl was loud in his head.
“You should never be on your knees for me,” Cooper’s voice dropped to those whispered husky tones that never failed to inflame.
“It’s the best place to be if I want to do this.” Yanking at Cooper’s boot laces, Fagin had them undone followed by Cooper’s jeans in less time than it took to talk about it. As Cooper’s jeans fell below his knees, Fagin growled, although it came out as more of a groan. Hours on a bike had concentrated Cooper’s scent and Fagin bent forward nuzzling his nose against Cooper’s sweet balls. High and tight; a drop of precome dripped on Fagin’s cheek and he had to have a taste.
Cooper’s whimper was music to his ears. Using his tongue, Fagin licked his mate’s cock as though it was his favorite ice cream cone, before pulling the end of it into his mouth and sucking hard. Everything about his mate was sweet, from the gentle touches in his hair as though Cooper tried not to hurt him, to the moans and babble that fell from his mate’s mouth. Through it all, Fagin’s nose was assailed with the smell of his mate’s slick and he knew as soon as Cooper was done, he was diving into that ass.
“Fagin,” Cooper yelled as Fagin’s mouth filled with Cooper’s spunk. Swallowing it down, Fagin licked over the head before letting it go. His cock was fit to burst, straining at his jeans and Fagin wasn’t going to wait any longer.
“Get on the bed.” Stumbling, Cooper managed to get out of his boots and his jeans quickly followed. Pulling his shirt over his head, Cooper dropped his Henley and sprawled on the bed. Fagin drank in the sexy vision. “My gods, you’re a temptation and a half.”
“I thought you were going to give me a massage.” Cooper rolled and presented his bubble butt. “I ache right here.” Fagin licked his lips as Cooper’s hand tapped his own ass, but he was in a quandary – give the massage he’d offered or listen to the demands of his cock which was pressing hard against his zipper? Damn it – he’d multi-task.
Pulling his shirt over his head, Fagin kicked off his boots and carefully pulled down his jean’s zipper. His cock stretched and bobbed, pointed in Cooper’s direction. Shucking off his jeans, Fagin prowled towards the bed. Cooper might have made a little squeak, that he tried to hide in the mattress which Fagin thought was adorable, but for now, he was more interested in exploring the sexier side of his mate.
Crawling over the mattress, Fagin couldn’t resist, bending over to bury his nose in Cooper’s crack. The scent hit him, more powerful than any aphrodisiac, and his tongue was lapping at Cooper’s entrance before his brain caught up with what he was doing. Cooper’s taste exploded across his tongue. Fagin wanted more and from the excited cries coming from Cooper, he knew he’d get it. Gods, how he loved the way his mate’s body was perfectly attuned to his.
Licking, sucking, teasing his tongue in Cooper’s body, Fagin let his hand run up his mate’s ass, kneading the muscles in his lower back. That’s a massage, isn’t it, he thought, but as Cooper’s wails got higher and higher, Fagin felt the stirrings of his own orgasm. Unwilling to waste a single drop of his seed on the covers, he sat upright, one hand on Cooper’s hip as he lined the head of his dick with Cooper’s hole.
The push in – Fagin’s toes curled, and a tingle ran right up his spine. There was no other feeling like it. The way his cock throbbed against the air one minute and then with one well-aimed thrust his dick was surrounded by warmth and the pressure of his mate’s body straining against him. Dropping over Cooper’s lean back, Fagin nibbled the taut lines of his mate’s neck as Cooper tried to push back.
“Love. Mine,” his mind too skew
ed to say anything more. His wolf bristling just under the surface of his skin, he needed Cooper’s submission and Cooper gave it so beautifully.
“Yours.” Cooper screamed loud enough to be heard in the motel office. Tilting his head, Cooper exposed his neck and Fagin’s hips went into overdrive. The friction, the line of that perfect neck, the way Cooper’s internal muscles seemed to be pulling him back every time he pulled out. The actions called to wolf and man, and while Fagin was desperate to ride the pleasure through the night, Cooper’s pleas made it impossible.
Feeling his fangs drop, Fagin licked over his mating mark, the only blemish on Cooper’s fine skin. Biting down, he growled around Cooper’s flesh as his balls emptied. Cooper’s body clenched around him and he knew his mate had found his own release. It was several very long seconds later, before Fagin withdrew his teeth, twisting them both to one side so Cooper didn’t have to lay in the wet spot.
Their ragged panting slowly eased, and Cooper reached up behind him and laid his hand on Fagin’s head. “I don’t ache anymore,” he murmured, his voice thick with fatigue.
Fagin showed his teeth. “Mission accomplished then, love.”
Cooper’s deep sleep was interrupted by someone pounding heavily on the door. For a moment he forgot where he was, fearful memories coming back to haunt him, but then Fagin’s angry, “What the fuck,” reminded him of where he was and who he was with.
“Boss, sorry, boss.” Their new recruit Rory burst into the room and flicked on the light; his short was torn, he had blood on his face and it looked like more of it on his jeans. He skidded to a stop and backed up towards the door again once he caught a look at Fagin’s expression. “Sorry, but Buster, Gregory….” He leaned on the doorframe trying to get his breath back. “There was a fight, at the bar, they’re…they’re…the police got them.”
“Oh, for fucks sake,” Fagin rolled out of bed, and grabbed his jeans from the floor. “No, don’t get up,” he said as Cooper made to get out of bed too. “No point in both of us having to spend hours down the cop shop bailing these idiots out.”