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Don’t Touch
Bound and Bonded Pack, Book One
By Lisa Oliver
Don’t Touch (Book One, Bound and Bonded Pack)
Copyright © Lisa Oliver, 2014
Cover Design by Paul Oliver
First Edition April 2014
All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Conventions. No part of
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[email protected]
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Don’t Touch is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the
product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any
actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
This book contains material that maybe offensive to some people including graphic
language, cursing, explicit sex between males, male-male sex, anal intercourse, oral, and
a strong BDSM theme.
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
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To my friends on Facebook who unknowingly give me the
courage to write every day - thank you.
Chapter One
Arching his back into the burn of the flogger Levi bit his lip hard
to prevent the moans threatening to escape from his throat.
His Master didn’t like noise, didn’t like sounds of any kind and
Levi had learned from watching the flogger-wielding man with a
few other subs that if his Master was unhappy then the scene
would stop immediately and the Master would walk away. So
Levi bit his lip hard enough to draw blood and focused on
stopping his leaking cock from exploding as the sting of the bite
accentuated the burn of the flogger.
He could do this. Levi was a strong sub. He pleased the men
he could call “Sir” even if he didn’t have a Master of his own.
He had played many times, both in public and in private with
the unattached Masters of the Bound and Bonded Club where
he had been a pack member for the past two years. Most
Masters were fair - they put time and effort into the scenes
they created - all designed to bring maximum pleasure to both
participants. But the man behind him was an enigma, one that
Levi was determined to crack. After all the man was his
unclaimed mate.
But he couldn’t go there, not now in the middle of a scene with
the man who occupied his every waking thought and many of
his dreams. Mentally slapping himself Levi chided himself for
losing focus, returning his mind once again to the present
moment. The flogger Master Steel used with such precision
had wide fronds, designed to stimulate a slow burn rather than
a sharp sting to the flesh and Levi felt as though his whole body
was on fire. The plug his Master had instructed him to wear
jiggled in his body with each flex of his back, tormenting his
cock relentlessly. So close to coming, Levi hung onto the edge,
every fiber of his being electrified. It was delicious torment and
for Levi it was the ultimate in pleasure.
Just as Levi felt he could take no more. That he couldn’t hold
in the screams that threatened to overtake him. That he
couldn’t hold onto his climax as his Master wished, he heard the
words that made it all worthwhile.
“Come now.”
His Master’s voice. Low. Firm. Unemotional as fuck. But more
than enough for Levi. Snapping his mouth shut so hard that his
teeth clacked Levi gave in to the demands of his body. His
cock, totally untouched, spewing seed onto the floor below. So
caught up in the pleasure that threatened to render him
unconscious Levi barely registered an equal stream of thick
warm sperm hitting his enflamed back.
Levi bit back the moan that threatened to overtake him. His
mate’s smell was so intoxicating, so arousing that Levi felt his
cock trying to rise again. This was the first time ever his
Master had marked him in anyway but as he came down from
his high Levi heard the familiar sound of his Master’s boots
throbbing across the hard wooden floors and then the sound of
the door opening and closing behind the man who had made
his body sing and his heart ache. Levi’s wolf howled in
disappointment deep inside of him.
For this moment at least Levi was alone. He knew it would be
just minutes before Max and Tony would come in. They would
be the ones to release him from his cuffs. They would soothe
his back if he needed it. Max would ply him with water or juice
while Tony would gently massage the feeling back into his arms
and hands. They would see to it that he was dressed
appropriately and it would be Max who would put him into the
cab and make arrangements for him to get home safely.
Max and Tony. Wolf shifters just like him. Master and sub. His
dearest friends who would do for him that Master Steel would
not. Provide him with the aftercare that all subs crave, not just
wolves. Damn, that all subs deserve after such an intense
scene. Levi knew the score. He had been doing a scene with
Master Steel every week for more than two months. And every
time was exactly the same. The man would play his body with
a variety of toys and tools, pushing Levi further than he had
ever gone with anyone. Under Master Steel’s commands Levi
had flown with the eagles, his body a willing vessel for all that
his Master demanded, his heart craving so much more.
But the man had never physically touched Levi, ever. Even
when he cuffed Levi, Steel was careful never to touch Levi’s
skin, seeming to know by sight whether or not the bindings
were too tight or too loose. The man never caressed his head
or his shoulder as if to praise him for a job well done. Hell,
until today Levi wasn’t sure that the man had any feelings
invested in what they were doing. The drying spunk on his
back, a first, proved to Levi today that the man was not
completely unaffected. But still Master Steel walked away. How
could Steel not feel the mate bond that throbbed between them
every time they got within ten feet of each other?
Levi could feel himself start to come down from his high. His
body felt sore and tired. He was deathly thirsty. But most of
all he felt unloved. Uncared for. Totally alone. Every week for
the past two months his mate had rejected him, again and
again and still Levi kept hoping, kept praying that the next time
things would be different. But no. In the privacy of the back
room hired by Steel for their scene, Levi rested his head on the
bench he was cuffed to and allowed a couple of quiet tears to
All he had ever wanted was a loving yet demanding mate, a
Master to call his own. Someone with the skills of Master Steel
and the compassion of Master Max who at that moment was
hurrying into the room with his sub/mate, Tony, at his side.
From the moment Levi had scented Steel months ago in the
club he knew that Steel was his mate. The other man had to
feel it too, but still every week without fail he booked Levi,
played with him and then walked away.
“Oh Levi, why do you continue to see this man when you know
he leaves you like this,” Tony reproached quietly as he freed
Levi’s wrists from the bench he was strapped to.
Levi let out a groan as he was finally able to straighten up, the
blood rushing to his head so quickly he would have fallen if it
wasn’t for Max’s strong arm around his waist. Carefully Max
led him to the bed where he urged Levi to sit down so he could
look at his back.
“Don’t hassle the boy, Tony,” Max said in his deep strong voice.
“Levi’s choices are his own to make, not yours. Now fetch the
salve from my bag and a cool washcloth so I can tend to this
boy’s back.”
Tony made a face but quickly went to do as he was told,
appearing seconds later with a jar of salve that Levi knew from
experience would help cool his back and ease out any of the
bruising he might have. Levi knew he could shift and that
would take care of most of the bruising and pain but Levi liked
feeling his mates’ marks on him and given that was all he had
to treasure from their sessions each week then he would hold
off shifting until after the marks had healed naturally.
Tony disappeared into the bathroom and reappeared with a
soft, damp piece of toweling that he gently used to remove the
remains of Steel’s pleasure on Levi’s skin. Levi couldn’t hold
back the whimper then. His mate’s smell being removed from
his skin just made him want to howl at the loss.
Quickly and efficiently Max and Tony worked to clean up Levi’s
back, helped him to rehydrate and then eased him into the soft
clothes he had bought specially for nights after scenes like this
one. Through it all Levi held himself together, simply
whispering his thanks as Max left the room to call him a cab.
Tony sat with him rubbing his hands and arms, his slim lithe
body pressed against Levi as the sub started to shake as a
result of the adrenalin rush finally leaving his system.
“Tell me why you do it,” Tony asked quietly. “You know you
are a good sub and your Master is out there somewhere. Why
do you continue to play with Master Steel when he clearly can’t
give you everything that you want?”
“Shhh,” Levi said. He had never told Tony or Max that Steel
was his mate. Somehow he felt if he put it into words then the
man’s rejection of him would be that much more intense. He
tried to think what to say that would keep his friend from
suspecting the worst. “I know you are my dearest friend, but
don’t press me on this okay? Master Steel calls to me like no-
one ever has before. It is not just his skills although they
are…well incredible. Don’t you see Tony; it is the man himself
that appeals to me.”
“I don’t understand it,” Tony continued stubbornly. “You know
subs deserve better than to be left to the care of friends after a
scene. You deserve better than this. Shit, tonight was the first
time in over two months that there was any evidence on you
that he found you sexually attractive at all. How could he mark
you like that and then still walk away?”
“Yeah…don’t know what that was about,” Levi said, shaking his
head because really he didn’t know why Steel had come over
him like he did. It’s not like the man ever said anything to him.
“Look, don’t fuss okay? I can’t explain it but for all of the
man’s rules I would submit to Steel full time in a heart beat if
he asked.”
“Rules, what rules,” this time it was Max who was questioning,
having come in and heard the last part of the conversation.
Levi shook his head unwilling to tarnish Steel’s reputation in
any way. It wasn’t as though the rules as such were all that
hard, just unusual especially among wolf shifters. No touching,
no talking except to safe word, no sounds during the scene, no
looking at his Master and definitely no after care.
Levi had been aware of all of this when Master Steel had
booked him for his first session. It stuck out in Levi’s mind
because it was the longest and only real conversation the two
men had ever had. Steel had asked him his limits and for his
safe word and then had explained his rules. Levi had agreed,
verbally in the first session because he really wanted to know
what this Master was capable of and he knew then that Steel
was his one and only. He complied every week since then by
virtue of the fact that he kept turning up for his appointments.
From that first time Steel had never spoken to him except to
explain how the scene was going to play out and to give him
permission to climax when the scene was finished. Steel would
text him with the time and room number usually on a Thursday
for an appointment on Saturday night. If he had any special
requirements like for Levi to wear a plug or cock ring he would
mention them in the text as well. All Levi had to do was text
back the response, “Thank you Sir,” and that was it.
“The rules are nothing bad, or weird, or anything major, I
promise,” Levi said carefully. “Master Steel is just a
very…private person and I don’t feel right discussing this with
anyone.” He looked at Max and Tony, his eyes filling with
unshed tears.
“I know you guys care about me and I appreciate it, I do. I
couldn’t do these scenes without you there for me afterwards.
But I have to do this. Something tells me that Master Steel
needs me in some way and I won’t give up on him until he
stops booking me for appointments.”
Grumbling at him, Max and Tony helped Levi into the cab. As
the taxi drove through the quiet streets towards Levi’s home,
Levi finally allowed the tears to fall unchecked down his face.
The tears were still falling as he carefully got into bed and
curled himself up into a ball under the blankets and like every
Saturday night for the past two months, Levi cried himself to
sleep. He and his wolf mourned the man who rejected him time
and time again.
Just five miles away Steel let himself into his own house but he
wasn’t crying. He was angry with life, with his fucked up
situation but mostly with himself. He flung his boots off as he
walked in the front door and then padded down the hallway of
his home in his socks, not bothering to turn on the lights.
Stripping off his clothes quickly Steel headed straight towards
the shower where he turned the water on as hot as it would go.
Only when he was totally relaxed under the powerful water jets
did he allow his mind to recapture the essence of his evening.
In the privacy of his shower Steel could admit to himself the
wolf was beautiful. There was no other word to describe those
long fine limbs, the slender but muscled torso and the lean
muscled ass. The slender man’s perfect body was capped off
by the face of a wicked angel atop a slender neck that cried out
for marks. Long dark hair framed deep green eyes, a short
straight nose and perfectly lush red lips that begged to be
wrapped around a cock for the night. The man’s skin was
flawless and unmarked with piercings or tattoos.
The only flaw that Steel had ever noticed about the man, and
unbeknown to Levi Steel had been watching him a lot, was that
on nights when Levi appeared to be socializing with his friends
he refused to shave. While Steel would be the first to admit to
himself at least that an unshaven Levi was still as sexy as sin, it
was unusual for subs to have anything in the way of facial hair,
at least at the club. Steel couldn’t decide if this was because
the man just didn’t care about his appearance or if it was
because the man just wasn’t a 24/7 type of sub.
In the back room Levi was a magnificent sub, 24/7 or not. He
accepted all of Steel’s rules and had followed them religiously.
He never looked at Steel from the moment the man entered the